Saturday, August 30, 2014

It's been a while. Lots of changes, and the end of an era.

So, a lot has happened over the past year. My leg has healed to the point that I can walk again at full strength. I ordered a new pair of skates (to the left) that were supposed to take 6 weeks. Instead, they took from march until last Tuesday because Riedell doesn't know how to ship their skates. According to the shop owner, they don't even provide tracking numbers. Anyway, they came and they are beautiful. One of the reasons I ordered the skates was because the ones I bought were actually 2 sizes too big. The correct feel of roller skates is different from shoes. you don't want room on the inside for movement.

Something else exciting happened. I actually changed my legal name to Hannah. Everyone has been extremely supportive. Some people have asked why, but I simply said personal reasons. After all, that's what it is. It's personal.

In addition, I found a real job that works around my school schedule. And they have aflac, so I can start skating again soon. I work overnight, so that can be hard sometimes, but its nice to be able to support myself, at least somewhat.

I have not really thought about my gender identity in a very long time. The truth is that at this point I am happy with who I am, a lot of that probably has to do with the name change. So at this point I am going to discontinue this blog and start a new one called Hannah's Adventures in Roller Skating (and life). The temporary address is

I was also planning on writing a Catching Fire review, but given that we're just 3 months out from Mockingjay, Part 1, it seems excessive. I will review Mockingjay when it comes out.

See you all on my new blog!


Friday, November 22, 2013

A Blog Name Change, and a bit of Catch-up.

Wow, it sure has been a long time since I posted here. I'm sorry. Sometimes things inadvertently get put on the back burner, and then almost forgotten. I changes the name of the blog (although it will be still accessible at the old web address) because I don't really know what I want at this point. All I really know is where I am at the moment. What will happen, I can't say, but I am looking forward to starting therapy when the Affordable Care Act starts and I will be able to get therapy again.

Lets see, since the last time I posted a blog entry, several things have happened:

1. My job at Best Buy has been pretty awesome. I am doing something that I love doing, with great    people around me.

2. I moved into an apartment with my best friend from High School.

3. I started going to school at TCC for cyber security.

4. I enrolled in medicaid through Washington's ACA website.

5. I started rollerskating in order to get into shape.

6. On my 5th skate, on October 4th, a little kid fell in front of me, and in order to not fall on him, I fell a different way and broke my leg (I can now put 20% weight on my leg).

7. I read the Divergent book series and now want to kill Veronica Roth for her horrible ending.

8. I saw The Hunger Games: Catching Fire on opening night at 12:01 AM.

Wow, That's a lot of stuff. I'm sure there's more, but at the moment, I cant recall everything. I am going to try and keep updating this thing, now that things with my accident have calmed down. Coming tomorrow, a review of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Job and life back in town.

It's been nearly a month since I got back into town. In my last post, I spoke of trying to find a job in the bad economy. The 2 previous jobs that I got took 2 years and 1 year to find. The problem with those jobs was the location. I was never able to go in to the actual location of the job and bug them, you know. Really show my initiative. Each one of them was in a different part of the country. But as I was looking for something local this time, and most likely part time, things were easier (or it could have had something to do with the law of averages. It took forever to find the first 2, so I found this one relativly quick). One of the first things I did once I found the job was to check on their EEO policies to make sure it included gender identity. I wanted to see if I would have a hard time keeping the job if I transitioned while working there. They do include gender identity in their EEO statement so I shouldn't have a problem with that, should I transition while working there. I still have a long way to go as I haven't even been able to find a new therapist in the area yet.

I don't know what the future holds for me at the moment. I did have my first job orientation and it seems like a fun place to work (sorry, can't say where on the net yet but those of you who know me personally can ask) so we will see how things go.

Something I have noticed about a few of my friends is that some of them who I told about my orientation already seemed supportive at first but they seem to be trying to drop me subtle hints that I should not even consider transitioning. but they are the vast minority. I just wish everyone could be supportive as most of you are.

Going to see a movie tonight. Then work tomorrow at 10.

Until next time


Monday, April 29, 2013

Things (Plans) Change

I made it home to Tacoma on Saturday. 2 fights with dad so far though. I decided that I am going to study IT and networking as opposed to broadcast engineering. More opportunities for computer nerds out there than engineers. Those classes don't start until fall. Dad wants me to find a job and help support myself. I can't say i blame him. And it would mean more time away from him. The problem is that he doesn't understand that jobs are still scarce. He hasn't had to look for work in 33 years. so he doesn't get it.

There's also another problem. Part of this trip was to continue my journey to transition. its kinda tough when i cant grow my hair out as it needs to look good for job interviews. not to mention after i find a job, what do i say/do. It's all very frustrating. Who knows what the future holds. I will have to talk to my friend who is here in Tacoma and find out what the resources are like.

We are after all, the Gayest city of 2013 in the US!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Tacoma - Medford - Tacoma

Wow, it certainly has been a long time since I have posted here. Life has been crazy. I had a job, got demoted at the job, fell in love, lost that love, and made a decision about my career and as a result, my life. I also made a decision about my identity as a trans woman. I will get to that. But first the job.

I was hired as a newscast director at a station in Medford, Or. Don't get me wrong, not having sales tax rocks. Right as I got to the job, a woman was going on maternity. As a result we were understaffed for about 4 months. After she returned, I was being trained on a particular station in the broadcast control room (graphics, audio, etc) maybe 1 time a week. For those of you who don't know, this is NOT the way to train someone. They need constant exposure to the station to learn it. After a month of this bullshit training, they told me I wasn't learning fast enough and demoted my pay and title.

As a result, I started to re-evaluate my life. First I considered if broadcast operations was what I really wanted to do. Then I considered the horrid hours an ops person has to work (2am to 11am or 3pm - Midnight - Shitty, I know). I couldn't really make a decision until I had a lot of time to think.

Then came the girl.

When I worked in Green Bay, I met a guy who told me about a dating site that was basically like eHarmony but without the massive price tag - Plenty of Fish (or I decided that although I was being paid shit for a job i wasn't hired to do, I would try and find love, as it has been a while since I had been in a relationship and I wanted to see what I could live with as far as transition goes. After about a week and a half of messages to women, I got a response.

Her name was Amber.

She seemed like the perfect girl for me. We both enjoyed taking pictures, roller skating (once I figured out how to skate) and she thought my white and pink skates were cool. We both enjoyed movies and I introduced her to Buffy, which like me, she instantly fell in love with. We didn't get a lot of time to spend together, because of my shitty hours and her busy school schedule. But when we did spend time together, which was about 1-2 times a week, things were perfect. For the first time in a long time, things felt good and right in my life (regardless of the shitty pay).

Then out of the blue, she sent me a text, about an hour before she was supposed to come over on a Friday. By this time we were about 4 months into the relationship. She said that she was still coming over but that we needed to talk about the relationship. Anyone who has been dumped by someone they cared about will know (and dread) that phrase. She came over and we talked about she was very busy with life. She said that her work schedule was crazy as was her class schedule and that she needed to figure out what was going on in her life and that she couldn't commit time to the relationship (remember we were already only seeing her once or twice a week at best). So we talked more about her circumstances and then I told her how I felt. She said that in 6 months to a year when she has her shit together, we could get back together. Then I got to talk.

I told her that I was reconsidering my career and where it might take me. I told her that I didn't know if I could wait 6 months to a year for her to make up her mind. I told her that I would likely stay for her and study down here if I did decide to change careers, and if she was willing to stay in the relationship, but not after 6 months or a year. And I told her that I loved her, because that's how I truly feel.

She said I gave her a lot to think about. She said she definatly wanted to stay friends and that if I did move away, maybe we could try long distance (I am not a fan of long distance).

We both sat quietly for a few minutes.Then we kissed and she left.

I cannot say whether she was giving me the real reason for breaking up or not. I am not always good at reading people. I really want to believe her, but as I said, I can't wait around to find out. I desperately wish I could, because of how much I care for her, but I just can't.

We have text-ed on and off for the past week or so. During that time, I have made several discoveries and realizations about myself and life.

1. Kenny G is awesome.

2. Pretty Little Liars (the TV show) is awesome.

3. TV networks suck for saving the last few episodes of a show for the May ratings period.

 4. I am sure I want to be either a Television Engineer, IT Tech, or my first choice, a High School Video Productions teacher. But one thing is for sure, crazy hours and broadcast operations are not for me.

5. I still want to transition. 

I am meeting with Amber to talk to her about things one last time tomorrow at 2pm. I don't know what will happen. But at least she will finally give me back my USB flash drive.

My plan as it currently stands -

I will be moving back to Tacoma in a week or so. Classes start at Bates on May 12. Tacoma is where most of my friends are and it will certainly be easier to plan my 10-year reunion from there (just 1 year away).

As for transition - I plan on working more intensively with some of my friends in the area who have gone through the same thing. Who knows. Maybe in a year or so I will finally be walking around in skirts every day. One thing's for sure. I still am and want to be Hannah.

Wishing all of you the best. I will try and keep this more updated as time goes on.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Honor Returns to the Olympic Games

I know it's been about a month since the London games ended, but this is the first chance I got to blog about them. I felt that it should be noted that London did a fabulous job hosting the Summer Olympics. As you may have read, I ranted earlier about the games in china. The IOC has regained my respect and I hope that all of the future Olympic Games are in countries that respect human rights (as well as the physical well being of the Olympic Athletes). Once again, well done London and well see you in 2014 for the Games of the XXII Winter Olympiad in Sochi, Russia.

Monday, August 27, 2012

The American Taliban

My previous post was all about not liking my current circumstances in this country. I continue to stand by those feelings. I thought it was noteworthy to mention that the Season finale of "The Newsroom" last night made reference to the members of the Republican party who support the tea party caucus. Jeff Daniels refers to them as "The American Taliban." I believe this to be an accurate representation of who and what these people represent. The things they represent are as follows...

Ideological purity

compromise as weakness

a fundamentalist belief in scriptural literalism

denying science

unmoved by facts

undeterred by new information

a hostile fear of progress

a demonization of education

a need to control women’s bodies

severe xenophobia

tribal mentality

intolerance of dissent

a pathological (unknown to themselves) hatred of the U.S. government

God I love this show and I hope that the Tea Party continues to make themselves look like assholes. All it does is puts their inevitable downfall on an express train to its destination.

I did recently find full time work, and will be moving there soon. But I stand by my statement that if Romney is elected, I will leave.